Blazor Auto Complete
Blazor Bootstrap autocomplete component is a textbox that offers the users suggestions as they type from the data source. And it supports client-side and server-side filtering.
Client side data#
Client side data with StringComparision#
In the below example,
is used to make the filter case-sensitive.INFO
By default,
is used to compare culture-agnostic and case-insensitive string matching.Server side data#
Set default value#
Keyboard Navigation#
Blazor Bootstrap autocomplete component supports the following keyboard shortcuts to initiate various actions.
Key | Description |
Esc | Closes the popup list when it is in an open state. |
Up arrow | Focuses on the previous item in the list. |
Down arrow | Focuses on the next item in the list. |
Home | Focuses on the first item in the list. |
End | Focuses on the last item in the list. |
Enter | Selects the currently focused item. |
Use the
parameter to disable the AutoComplete
.<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-md-5 col-sm-12">
<AutoComplete @bind-Value="customerName"
Placeholder="Search a customer..."
OnChanged="(Customer2 customer) => OnAutoCompleteChanged(customer)" />
<Button Color="ButtonColor.Primary" @onclick="Enable"> Enable </Button>
<Button Color="ButtonColor.Secondary" @onclick="Disable"> Disable </Button>
<Button Color="ButtonColor.Warning" @onclick="Toggle"> Toggle </Button>
@code {
private string customerName = default!;
private bool disabled = true;
[Inject] ICustomerService _customerService { get; set; } = default!;
private async Task<AutoCompleteDataProviderResult<Customer2>> CustomersDataProvider(AutoCompleteDataProviderRequest<Customer2> request)
var customers = await _customerService.GetCustomersAsync(request.Filter, request.CancellationToken); // API call
return await Task.FromResult(new AutoCompleteDataProviderResult<Customer2> { Data = customers, TotalCount = customers.Count() });
private void OnAutoCompleteChanged(Customer2 customer)
// TODO: handle your own logic
// NOTE: do null check
Console.WriteLine($"'{customer?.CustomerName}' selected.");
private void Enable() => disabled = false;
private void Disable() => disabled = true;
private void Toggle() => disabled = !disabled;
Also, use Enable() and Disable() methods to enable and disable the
Do not use both the Disabled parameter and Enable() & Disable() methods.
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-md-5 col-sm-12">
<AutoComplete @ref="autoComplete1"
Placeholder="Search a customer..."
OnChanged="(Customer2 customer) => OnAutoCompleteChanged(customer)" />
<Button Color="ButtonColor.Secondary" @onclick="Disable"> Disable </Button>
<Button Color="ButtonColor.Primary" @onclick="Enable"> Enable </Button>
@code {
private AutoComplete<Customer2> autoComplete1 = default!;
private string customerName = default!;
[Inject] ICustomerService _customerService { get; set; } = default!;
private async Task<AutoCompleteDataProviderResult<Customer2>> CustomersDataProvider(AutoCompleteDataProviderRequest<Customer2> request)
var customers = await _customerService.GetCustomersAsync(request.Filter, request.CancellationToken); // API call
return await Task.FromResult(new AutoCompleteDataProviderResult<Customer2> { Data = customers, TotalCount = customers.Count() });
private void OnAutoCompleteChanged(Customer2 customer)
// TODO: handle your own logic
// NOTE: do null check
Console.WriteLine($"'{customer?.CustomerName}' selected.");
private void Disable() => autoComplete1.Disable();
private void Enable() => autoComplete1.Enable();