Blazor Grid
Use Blazor Bootstrap grid component to display tabular data from the data source. And it supports client-side and server-side filtering, paging, and sorting.
Client side filtering, paging, and sorting #
Selected Items Count: 0
Selected Employees:
<Grid TItem="Employee1"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Id" PropertyName="Id" SortKeySelector="item => item.Id">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Employee Name" PropertyName="Name" SortKeySelector="item => item.Name">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Designation" PropertyName="Designation" SortKeySelector="item => item.Designation">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="DOJ" PropertyName="DOJ" SortKeySelector="item => item.DOJ">
<GridColumn TItem="Employee1" HeaderText="Active" PropertyName="IsActive" SortKeySelector="item => item.IsActive">
<div class="mt-3">
Selected Items Count: @selectedEmployees.Count
<div class="mt-2">
Selected Employees:
@foreach (var emp in selectedEmployees)
@code {
private IEnumerable<Employee1> employees = default!;
private HashSet<Employee1> selectedEmployees = new();
private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Employee1>> EmployeesDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Employee1> request)
if (employees is null) // pull employees only one time for client-side filtering, sorting, and paging
employees = GetEmployees(); // call a service or an API to pull the employees
return await Task.FromResult(request.ApplyTo(employees));
private IEnumerable<Employee1> GetEmployees()
return new List<Employee1>
new Employee1 { Id = 107, Name = "Alice", Designation = "AI Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1998, 11, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 103, Name = "Bob", Designation = "Senior DevOps Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 1, 5), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 106, Name = "John", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1995, 4, 17), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 104, Name = "Pop", Designation = "Associate Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1985, 6, 8), IsActive = false },
new Employee1 { Id = 105, Name = "Ronald", Designation = "Senior Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 8, 23), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 102, Name = "Line", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 101, Name = "Daniel", Designation = "Architect", DOJ = new DateOnly(1977, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 113, Name = "Merlin", Designation = "Senior Consultant", DOJ = new DateOnly(1989, 10, 2), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 117, Name = "Sharna", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1994, 5, 12), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 108, Name = "Zayne", Designation = "Data Analyst", DOJ = new DateOnly(1991, 1, 1), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 109, Name = "Isha", Designation = "App Maker", DOJ = new DateOnly(1996, 7, 1), IsActive = true },
new Employee1 { Id = 111, Name = "Glenda", Designation = "Data Engineer", DOJ = new DateOnly(1994, 1, 12), IsActive = true },
private Task OnSelectedItemsChanged(HashSet<Employee1> employees)
selectedEmployees = employees is not null && employees.Any() ? employees : new();
return Task.CompletedTask;
Server side filtering, paging and sorting #
<Grid TItem="Customer2"
Class="table table-hover table-bordered table-striped"
<GridColumn TItem="Customer2" HeaderText="Id" PropertyName="CustomerId" SortString="CustomerId" SortKeySelector="item => item.CustomerId" FilterTextboxWidth="50" HeaderTextAlignment="Alignment.Center" TextAlignment="Alignment.Center">
<GridColumn TItem="Customer2" HeaderText="Customer Name" PropertyName="CustomerName" SortString="CustomerName" SortKeySelector="item => item.CustomerName" FilterTextboxWidth="80">
<GridColumn TItem="Customer2" HeaderText="Phone" PropertyName="Phone" SortString="Phone" SortKeySelector="item => item.Phone" FilterTextboxWidth="100">
<GridColumn TItem="Customer2" HeaderText="Email" PropertyName="Email" SortString="Email" SortKeySelector="item => item.Email" FilterTextboxWidth="120">
<GridColumn TItem="Customer2" HeaderText="Address" PropertyName="Address" SortString="Address" SortKeySelector="item => item.Address" FilterTextboxWidth="150">
<GridColumn TItem="Customer2" HeaderText="Postal Zip" PropertyName="PostalZip" SortString="PostalZip" SortKeySelector="item => item.PostalZip" FilterTextboxWidth="80">
<GridColumn TItem="Customer2" HeaderText="Country" PropertyName="Country" SortString="Country" SortKeySelector="item => item.Country" FilterTextboxWidth="80">
@code {
[Inject] public ICustomerService _customerService { get; set; } = default!;
private async Task<GridDataProviderResult<Customer2>> CustomersDataProvider(GridDataProviderRequest<Customer2> request)
string sortString = "";
SortDirection sortDirection = SortDirection.None;
if (request.Sorting is not null && request.Sorting.Any())
// Note: Multi column sorting is not supported at this moment
sortString = request.Sorting.FirstOrDefault()!.SortString;
sortDirection = request.Sorting.FirstOrDefault()!.SortDirection;
var result = await _customerService.GetCustomersAsync(request.Filters, request.PageNumber, request.PageSize, sortString, sortDirection, request.CancellationToken);
return await Task.FromResult(new GridDataProviderResult<Customer2> { Data = result.Item1, TotalCount = result.Item2 });