Blazor Line Chart
A Blazor Bootstrap line chart component is a graphical representation of data that uses a series of connected points to show how the data changes over time.
It is a type of x-y chart, where the x-axis represents the independent variable, such as time, and the y-axis represents the dependent variable, such as the value.
Refer to the getting started guide for setting up charts.
How it works#
In the following example, a categorical 12-color palette is used.
For data visualization, you can use the predefined palettes
for a 12-color palette and ColorUtility.CategoricalSixColors
for a 6-color palette.
These palettes offer a range of distinct and visually appealing colors that can be applied to represent different categories or data elements in your visualizations.
<div class="container-fluid overflow-x-auto">
<LineChart @ref="lineChart" Width="800" />
<div class="mt-5">
<Button Type="ButtonType.Button" Class="mb-2" Color="ButtonColor.Primary" Size="ButtonSize.Small" @onclick="async () => await RandomizeAsync()"> Randomize </Button>
<Button Type="ButtonType.Button" Class="mb-2" Color="ButtonColor.Primary" Size="ButtonSize.Small" @onclick="async () => await AddDatasetAsync()" Disabled="@(datasetsCount >= 12)"> Add Dataset </Button>
<Button Type="ButtonType.Button" Class="mb-2" Color="ButtonColor.Primary" Size="ButtonSize.Small" @onclick="async () => await AddDataAsync()"> Add Data </Button>
<Button Type="ButtonType.Button" Class="mb-2" Color="ButtonColor.Primary" Size="ButtonSize.Small" @onclick="async () => await ShowHorizontalLineChartAsync()"> Horizontal Line Chart </Button>
<Button Type="ButtonType.Button" Class="mb-2" Color="ButtonColor.Primary" Size="ButtonSize.Small" @onclick="async () => await ShowVerticalLineChartAsync()"> Vertical Line Chart </Button>
@code {
private LineChart lineChart = default!;
private LineChartOptions lineChartOptions = default!;
private ChartData chartData = default!;
private int datasetsCount;
private int labelsCount;
private Random random = new();
protected override void OnInitialized()
chartData = new ChartData { Labels = GetDefaultDataLabels(6), Datasets = GetDefaultDataSets(3) };
lineChartOptions = new() { Responsive = true, Interaction = new Interaction { Mode = InteractionMode.Index } };
lineChartOptions.Scales.Y!.Max = 250;
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
await lineChart.InitializeAsync(chartData, lineChartOptions);
await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);
private async Task RandomizeAsync()
if (chartData is null || chartData.Datasets is null || !chartData.Datasets.Any()) return;
var newDatasets = new List<IChartDataset>();
foreach (var dataset in chartData.Datasets)
if (dataset is LineChartDataset lineChartDataset
&& lineChartDataset is not null
&& lineChartDataset.Data is not null)
var count = lineChartDataset.Data.Count;
var newData = new List<double?>();
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
lineChartDataset.Data = newData;
chartData.Datasets = newDatasets;
await lineChart.UpdateValuesAsync(chartData);
private async Task AddDatasetAsync()
if (chartData is null || chartData.Datasets is null) return;
var chartDataset = GetRandomLineChartDataset();
chartData = await lineChart.AddDatasetAsync(chartData, chartDataset, lineChartOptions);
private async Task AddDataAsync()
if (chartData is null || chartData.Datasets is null)
var data = new List<IChartDatasetData>();
foreach (var dataset in chartData.Datasets)
if (dataset is LineChartDataset lineChartDataset)
data.Add(new LineChartDatasetData(lineChartDataset.Label, random.Next(200)));
chartData = await lineChart.AddDataAsync(chartData, GetNextDataLabel(), data);
private async Task ShowHorizontalLineChartAsync()
lineChartOptions.IndexAxis = "y";
await lineChart.UpdateAsync(chartData, lineChartOptions);
private async Task ShowVerticalLineChartAsync()
lineChartOptions.IndexAxis = "x";
await lineChart.UpdateAsync(chartData, lineChartOptions);
#region Data Preparation
private List<IChartDataset> GetDefaultDataSets(int numberOfDatasets)
var datasets = new List<IChartDataset>();
for (var index = 0; index < numberOfDatasets; index++)
return datasets;
private LineChartDataset GetRandomLineChartDataset()
var c = ColorUtility.CategoricalTwelveColors[datasetsCount].ToColor();
datasetsCount += 1;
return new LineChartDataset
Label = $"Team {datasetsCount}",
Data = GetRandomData(),
BackgroundColor = c.ToRgbString(),
BorderColor = c.ToRgbString(),
BorderWidth = 2,
HoverBorderWidth = 4,
// PointBackgroundColor = c.ToRgbString(),
// PointRadius = 0, // hide points
// PointHoverRadius = 4,
private List<double?> GetRandomData()
var data = new List<double?>();
for (var index = 0; index < labelsCount; index++)
return data;
private List<string> GetDefaultDataLabels(int numberOfLabels)
var labels = new List<string>();
for (var index = 0; index < numberOfLabels; index++)
return labels;
private string GetNextDataLabel()
labelsCount += 1;
return $"Day {labelsCount}";
#endregion Data Preparation
<div class="container-fluid overflow-x-auto">
<LineChart @ref="lineChart" Width="800" />
@code {
private LineChart lineChart = default!;
private LineChartOptions lineChartOptions = default!;
private ChartData chartData = default!;
protected override void OnInitialized()
var colors = ColorUtility.CategoricalTwelveColors;
var labels = new List<string> { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" };
var datasets = new List<IChartDataset>();
var dataset1 = new LineChartDataset
Label = "Windows",
Data = new List<double?> { 7265791, 5899643, 6317759, 6315641, 5338211, 8496306, 7568556, 8538933, 8274297, 8657298, 7548388, 7764845 },
BackgroundColor = colors[0],
BorderColor = colors[0],
BorderWidth = 2,
HoverBorderWidth = 4,
// PointBackgroundColor = colors[0],
// PointRadius = 0, // hide points
// PointHoverRadius = 4,
var dataset2 = new LineChartDataset
Label = "macOS",
Data = new List<double?> { 1809499, 1816642, 2122410, 1809499, 1850793, 1846743, 1954797, 2391313, 1983430, 2469918, 2633303, 2821149 },
BackgroundColor = colors[1],
BorderColor = colors[1],
BorderWidth = 2,
HoverBorderWidth = 4,
// PointBackgroundColor = colors[1],
// PointRadius = 0, // hide points
// PointHoverRadius = 4,
var dataset3 = new LineChartDataset
Label = "Other",
Data = new List<double?> { 1081241, 1100363, 1118136, 1073255, 1120315, 1395736, 1488788, 1489466, 1489947, 1414739, 1735811, 1820171 },
BackgroundColor = colors[2],
BorderColor = colors[2],
BorderWidth = 2,
HoverBorderWidth = 4,
// PointBackgroundColor = colors[2],
// PointRadius = 0, // hide points
// PointHoverRadius = 4,
chartData = new ChartData { Labels = labels, Datasets = datasets };
lineChartOptions = new();
lineChartOptions.Responsive = true;
lineChartOptions.Interaction = new Interaction { Mode = InteractionMode.Index };
lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Title = new ChartAxesTitle { Text = "2019", Display = true };
lineChartOptions.Scales.Y!.Title = new ChartAxesTitle { Text = "Visitors", Display = true };
lineChartOptions.Plugins.Title!.Text = "Operating system";
lineChartOptions.Plugins.Title.Display = true;
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
await lineChart.InitializeAsync(chartData, lineChartOptions);
await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);
By default, the chart is using the default locale of the platform on which it is running.
In the following example, you will see the chart in the German locale (de_DE).
<div class="container-fluid overflow-x-auto">
<LineChart @ref="lineChart" Width="800" />
@code {
private LineChart lineChart = default!;
private LineChartOptions lineChartOptions = default!;
private ChartData chartData = default!;
protected override void OnInitialized()
var colors = ColorUtility.CategoricalTwelveColors;
var labels = new List<string> { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" };
var datasets = new List<IChartDataset>();
var dataset1 = new LineChartDataset
Label = "Windows",
Data = new List<double?> { 7265791, 5899643, 6317759, 6315641, 5338211, 8496306, 7568556, 8538933, 8274297, 8657298, 7548388, 7764845 },
BackgroundColor = colors[0],
BorderColor = colors[0],
BorderWidth = 2,
HoverBorderWidth = 4,
// PointBackgroundColor = colors[0],
// PointRadius = 0, // hide points
// PointHoverRadius = 4,
var dataset2 = new LineChartDataset
Label = "macOS",
Data = new List<double?> { 1809499, 1816642, 2122410, 1809499, 1850793, 1846743, 1954797, 2391313, 1983430, 2469918, 2633303, 2821149 },
BackgroundColor = colors[1],
BorderColor = colors[1],
BorderWidth = 2,
HoverBorderWidth = 4,
// PointBackgroundColor = colors[1],
// PointRadius = 0, // hide points
// PointHoverRadius = 4,
var dataset3 = new LineChartDataset
Label = "Other",
Data = new List<double?> { 1081241, 1100363, 1118136, 1073255, 1120315, 1395736, 1488788, 1489466, 1489947, 1414739, 1735811, 1820171 },
BackgroundColor = colors[2],
BorderColor = colors[2],
BorderWidth = 2,
HoverBorderWidth = 4,
// PointBackgroundColor = colors[2],
// PointRadius = 0, // hide points
// PointHoverRadius = 4,
chartData = new ChartData { Labels = labels, Datasets = datasets };
lineChartOptions = new();
lineChartOptions.Locale = "de-DE";
lineChartOptions.Responsive = true;
lineChartOptions.Interaction = new Interaction { Mode = InteractionMode.Index };
lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Title = new ChartAxesTitle { Text = "2019", Display = true };
lineChartOptions.Scales.Y!.Title = new ChartAxesTitle { Text = "Visitors", Display = true };
lineChartOptions.Plugins.Title!.Text = "Operating system";
lineChartOptions.Plugins.Title.Display = true;
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
await lineChart.InitializeAsync(chartData, lineChartOptions);
await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);
Add data dynamically for a specific dataset#
<div class="container-fluid overflow-x-auto">
<LineChart @ref="lineChart" Width="800" />
<div class="mt-5">
<Button Color="ButtonColor.Primary" Type="ButtonType.Button" Size="ButtonSize.Small" @onclick="UpdateIndiaNextOverRunsAsync"> India Next Over </Button>
<Button Color="ButtonColor.Primary" Type="ButtonType.Button" Size="ButtonSize.Small" @onclick="UpdateEnglandNextOverRunsAsync"> England Next Over </Button>
@code {
private LineChart lineChart = default!;
private LineChartOptions lineChartOptions = default!;
private ChartData chartData = default!;
private List<string> labels = default!;
private List<double> indiaRunsArray = new() { 9, 20, 29, 33, 50, 66, 75, 86, 91, 105, 120, 126, 141, 150, 156, 164, 177, 180, 184, 195 };
private List<double> englandRunsArray = new() { 1, 1, 8, 19, 24, 26, 39, 47, 56, 66, 75, 88, 95, 100, 109, 114, 124, 129, 140, 142 };
private int indiaCurrentOver;
private int englandCurrentOver;
protected override void OnInitialized()
labels = new List<string> { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20" };
lineChartOptions = GetLineChartOptions();
chartData = new ChartData { Labels = labels, Datasets = GetDefaultDatasets() };
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
await lineChart.InitializeAsync(chartData, lineChartOptions);
private async Task UpdateIndiaNextOverRunsAsync()
if (indiaCurrentOver > 0 && indiaCurrentOver > indiaRunsArray.Count - 1)
chartData = await lineChart.AddDataAsync(chartData, $"{indiaCurrentOver + 1}", new LineChartDatasetData("India", indiaRunsArray[indiaCurrentOver]));
private async Task UpdateEnglandNextOverRunsAsync()
if (englandCurrentOver > 0 && englandCurrentOver > englandRunsArray.Count - 1)
chartData = await lineChart.AddDataAsync(chartData, $"{englandCurrentOver + 1}", new LineChartDatasetData("England", englandRunsArray[englandCurrentOver]));
private List<IChartDataset> GetDefaultDatasets()
var datasets = new List<IChartDataset>
new LineChartDataset
Label = "India",
Data = new List<double?>(),
BackgroundColor = "rgb(88, 80, 141)",
BorderColor = "rgb(88, 80, 141)",
BorderWidth = 2,
HoverBorderWidth = 4,
// PointBackgroundColor = "rgb(88, 80, 141)",
// PointBorderColor = "rgb(88, 80, 141)",
// PointRadius = 0, // hide points
// PointHoverRadius = 4,
new LineChartDataset
Label = "England",
Data = new List<double?>(),
BackgroundColor = "rgb(255, 166, 0)",
BorderColor = "rgb(255, 166, 0)",
BorderWidth = 2,
HoverBorderWidth = 4,
// PointBackgroundColor = "rgb(255, 166, 0)",
// PointBorderColor = "rgb(255, 166, 0)",
// PointRadius = 0, // hide points
// PointHoverRadius = 4,
return datasets;
private LineChartOptions GetLineChartOptions()
var options = new LineChartOptions();
options.Interaction.Mode = InteractionMode.Index;
options.Plugins.Title = new ChartPluginsTitle { Text = "WORM", Display = true, Font = new ChartFont { Size = 20 } };
options.Responsive = true;
options.Scales.X!.Title = new ChartAxesTitle { Text = "Overs", Display = true };
options.Scales.Y!.Title = new ChartAxesTitle { Text = "Runs", Display = true };
options.Scales.Y.SuggestedMax = 150;
return options;
Data labels#
<div class="container-fluid overflow-x-auto">
<LineChart @ref="lineChart" Width="800" />
@code {
private LineChart lineChart = default!;
private LineChartOptions lineChartOptions = default!;
private ChartData chartData = default!;
protected override void OnInitialized()
var colors = ColorUtility.CategoricalTwelveColors;
var labels = new List<string> { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" };
var datasets = new List<IChartDataset>();
var dataset1 = new LineChartDataset
Label = "Windows",
Data = new List<double?> { 7265791, 5899643, 6317759, 6315641, 5338211, 8496306, 7568556, 8538933, 8274297, 8657298, 7548388, 7764845 },
BackgroundColor = colors[0],
BorderColor = colors[0],
BorderWidth = 2,
HoverBorderWidth = 4,
// PointBackgroundColor = colors[0],
// PointRadius = 3, // show points
// PointHoverRadius = 4,
// datalabels
Datalabels = new() { Alignment = Alignment.End, Anchor = Anchor.End }
var dataset2 = new LineChartDataset
Label = "macOS",
Data = new List<double?> { 1809499, 1816642, 2122410, 1809499, 1850793, 1846743, 1954797, 2391313, 1983430, 2469918, 2633303, 2821149 },
BackgroundColor = colors[1],
BorderColor = colors[1],
BorderWidth = 2,
HoverBorderWidth = 4,
// PointBackgroundColor = colors[1],
// PointRadius = 3, // show points
// PointHoverRadius = 4,
// datalabels
Datalabels = new() { Alignment = Alignment.End, Anchor = Anchor.End }
var dataset3 = new LineChartDataset
Label = "Other",
Data = new List<double?> { 1081241, 1100363, 1118136, 1073255, 1120315, 1395736, 1488788, 1489466, 1489947, 1414739, 1735811, 1820171 },
BackgroundColor = colors[2],
BorderColor = colors[2],
BorderWidth = 2,
HoverBorderWidth = 4,
// PointBackgroundColor = colors[2],
// PointRadius = 3, // show points
// PointHoverRadius = 4,
// datalabels
Datalabels = new() { Alignment = Alignment.Start, Anchor = Anchor.Start }
chartData = new ChartData
Labels = labels,
Datasets = datasets
lineChartOptions = new();
lineChartOptions.Responsive = true;
lineChartOptions.Interaction = new Interaction { Mode = InteractionMode.Index };
lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Title = new ChartAxesTitle { Text = "2019", Display = true };
lineChartOptions.Scales.Y!.Title = new ChartAxesTitle { Text = "Visitors", Display = true };
lineChartOptions.Plugins.Title!.Text = "Operating system";
lineChartOptions.Plugins.Title.Display = true;
// datalabels
lineChartOptions.Plugins.Datalabels.Color = "white";
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
// pass the plugin name to enable the data labels
await lineChart.InitializeAsync(chartData: chartData, chartOptions: lineChartOptions, plugins: new string[] { "ChartDataLabels" });
await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);
Tick Configuration#
<div class="container-fluid overflow-x-auto">
<LineChart @ref="lineChart" Width="800" />
<div class="mt-5">
<Button Type="ButtonType.Button" Color="ButtonColor.Primary" Size="ButtonSize.Small" @onclick="async () => await ChangeTicksAlignmentToStart()"> Alignment: start </Button>
<Button Type="ButtonType.Button" Color="ButtonColor.Primary" Size="ButtonSize.Small" @onclick="async () => await ChangeTicksAlignmentToCenter()"> Alignment: center (default) </Button>
<Button Type="ButtonType.Button" Color="ButtonColor.Primary" Size="ButtonSize.Small" @onclick="async () => await ChangeTicksAlignmentToEnd()"> Alignment: end </Button>
@code {
private LineChart lineChart = default!;
private LineChartOptions lineChartOptions = default!;
private ChartData chartData = default!;
private int datasetsCount;
private int labelsCount;
private Random random = new();
protected override void OnInitialized()
chartData = new ChartData { Labels = GetDefaultDataLabels(6), Datasets = GetDefaultDataSets(3) };
lineChartOptions = new() { Responsive = true, Interaction = new Interaction { Mode = InteractionMode.Index } };
// set ticks color
lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Ticks = new ChartAxesTicks { Color = "red" };
lineChartOptions.Scales.Y!.Ticks = new ChartAxesTicks { Color = ColorUtility.CategoricalTwelveColors[4] };
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
await lineChart.InitializeAsync(chartData, lineChartOptions);
await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);
private async Task ChangeTicksAlignmentToStart()
lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Ticks!.TicksAlignment = TicksAlignment.Start;
await lineChart.UpdateAsync(chartData, lineChartOptions);
private async Task ChangeTicksAlignmentToCenter()
lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Ticks!.TicksAlignment = TicksAlignment.Center;
await lineChart.UpdateAsync(chartData, lineChartOptions);
private async Task ChangeTicksAlignmentToEnd()
lineChartOptions.Scales.X!.Ticks!.TicksAlignment = TicksAlignment.End;
await lineChart.UpdateAsync(chartData, lineChartOptions);
#region Data Preparation
private List<IChartDataset> GetDefaultDataSets(int numberOfDatasets)
var datasets = new List<IChartDataset>();
for (var index = 0; index < numberOfDatasets; index++)
return datasets;
private LineChartDataset GetRandomLineChartDataset()
var c = ColorUtility.CategoricalTwelveColors[datasetsCount].ToColor();
datasetsCount += 1;
return new LineChartDataset
Label = $"Team {datasetsCount}",
Data = GetRandomData(),
BackgroundColor = c.ToRgbString(),
BorderColor = c.ToRgbString(),
BorderWidth = 2,
HoverBorderWidth = 4,
// PointBackgroundColor = c.ToRgbString(),
// PointRadius = 0, // hide points
// PointHoverRadius = 4,
private List<double?> GetRandomData()
var data = new List<double?>();
for (var index = 0; index < labelsCount; index++)
return data;
private List<string> GetDefaultDataLabels(int numberOfLabels)
var labels = new List<string>();
for (var index = 0; index < numberOfLabels; index++)
return labels;
private string GetNextDataLabel()
labelsCount += 1;
return $"Day {labelsCount}";
#endregion Data Preparation
Blazor Bootstrap
- Designed and built with all the love in the world by the Blazor Bootstrap team with the help of our contributors.
- Code licensed Apache License 2.0.
- Currently v3.0.0.