Blazor Image
Documentation and examples for opting images into responsive behavior (so they never become wider than their parent) and add lightweight styles to them.
Example #
By default images are responsive. The default value of the IsResponsive parameter is true.

<Image Src="/images/placeholder.png" Alt="placeholder" />
Image thumbnails #
To set the image to have a rounded 1px border appearance, set the IsThumbnail parameter to true.

<Image Src="/images/placeholder.png" IsThumbnail="true" Alt="placeholder" />
Aligning images #

<Image Src="/images/placeholder.png" Class="rounded float-start" Alt="placeholder1" />
<Image Src="/images/placeholder.png" Class="rounded float-end" Alt="placeholder2" />

<Image Src="/images/placeholder.png" Class="rounded mx-auto d-block" Alt="placeholder" />

<div class="text-center">
<Image Src="/images/placeholder.png" Class="rounded" Alt="placeholder" />